GSG Compliance takes the Complication out of HIPAA Compliance.

HIPAA Privacy & Security Solutions

HIPAA Requirements

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  (HIPAA) Security Rule established rules and regulations around the protection of personal healthcare information (written and electronic) that is used, maintained, and created by what is called a Covered Entity. Covered Entities originally included ambulatory physician practices, surgery centers, hospitals, health care insurance companies/plans, and claims clearing houses. In 2013, the Security Rule was modified to require any business associate or business partner of a  Covered Entity that has access to patient information must also take the appropriate steps to safeguard patient health information. HIPAA requires that all  Covered Entities perform various information security tasks in order to have the appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures in place to protect electronic patient health information.


GSG Compliance will:

• Work with you to develop a Security Risk Assessment and Information Security Policies that reflect how your entity runs, while conforming to the best practices for protecting PHI 
• Arm you with the necessary documents that make it easy for you to understand your information security make up and easy for you to submit for any audit requests. 
• Give you the confidence that your Security Risk Assessment satisfied both HIPAA and Meaningful Use requirements and that you have put your entity in the best defendable position.